As part of this years annual Al Quds Day, there will be a global Fly The Flag campaign to show support and solidarity with Palestine.
Despite the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, this is a campaign we can all safely join in. From Friday 30th April, until Quds Day on Friday 7th May 2021, we are asking people around the world to fly the Palestinian flag in solidarity with Palestine.
Taking part is very simple:
Take a photo or video of yourself with the Palestinian flag. Try and take the photo outside, so people can see your surroundings, and your country.
If taking a video you could say something like :
"Solidarity from [your town, your country] fly the flag for Palestine!"
Share it on social media with the hashtag #FlyTheFlag, mentioning which town, and country you are from. Tag your family and friends, asking them to do the same and join in the campaign.
If you don't have a Palestinian flag, download one of the flag images below and print it on A4 paper , or display it on your tablet, and take a photo with that.

Click for A4 version

Click for A4 version

Click for A4 version
Let’s show our solidarity with Palestine this Al Quds Day from all around the world.
For more information visit: