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London Protest Demands Justice For #Humboldt3 BDS Activists

21 July 2020

London Protest Demands Justice For #Humboldt3 BDS Activists

VIDEO: London Vigil Demands Justice For BDS Activists #Humboldt3

London Protest Demands Justice For #Humboldt3 BDS Activists

On 17th July 2020, Inminds Human Rights Group held a vigil outside the German Embassy in London, in solidarity with three BDS activists, the Humboldt 3, that are on trial in Germany.

The three defendants are:

Award winning Palestinian journalist Majed Abusalama, a survivor of Israel's massacres in Gaza; acclaimed Jewish Israeli human rights defender Ronnie Barkan; and Dr Stavit Sinai, a Jewish Israeli scholar of the sociology of knowledge and postcolonial studies.

They are being accused of interrupting a propaganda speech by Mrs Aliza Lavie, a representative of the Israeli government, at Humboldt University in Berlin on June 20, 2017.

Mrs Aliza Lavie, as a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Israeli Parliament, directly oversaw the 2014 attack on besieged Gaza that resulted in 2200 Palestinians being slaughtered, including 551 babies and children. She bears a direct responsibility for what Amnesty International has described as war crimes committed in Gaza.

Rather than arrest Lavie as a war criminal, she was given an unchallenged platform by Humboldt University to promote her propaganda, whitewashing Israeli crimes against humanity. When the three activists in the audience challenged her propaganda by quoting from the United Nations ESCWA report which accuses Israel of practicing The Crime of Apartheid, defined by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court as a Crime Against Humanity, they were attacked and thrown out, and later charged.

Inminds chair Abbas Ali said:

"We stand here today in solidariy with our comrades in Germany who are being persecuted by the state for speaking truth to power.

Everything about this trial is Orwellian. A war criminal isn't arrested, but is given the red carpet platform to spew propaganda and lies, whilst truth speakers are silenced.

War criminals and thugs that attack peaceful activists, punching a woman in the face, go free. Instead the peaceful activists are charged with 'assault'.. for being beaten up, and charged with 'trespass'.. for attending a public meeting.

Their only 'crime' is to dare expose Israeli Crimes Against Humanity. The German state is so supine to Israeli blackmail over fake accusations of antisemitism that it will bend over backwards to appease the apartheid regime.

It seems Germany has learnt nothing from its own history of the dangers of turning a blind eye to Crimes Against Humanity and where this leads. A truly shameful state of affairs."

During the vigil a letter addressed to the German Ambassador, condemning the German states prosecution of the Humboldt 3, was delivered to the embassy. A cross-section of civil society organisations, ranging from human rights groups to religious groups - both Muslim and Jewish; to academic and journalism rights groups; along with Palestinian solidarity groups, were signitories to the letter. The letter with the full list of signatories is included below.

The trial on the Humboldt 3 starts on 3rd August at Moabit Court in Berlin.

To find out the latest about the case:

To support their legal defence fund please contribute here:

London Protest Demands Justice For #Humboldt3 BDS Activists

London Protest Demands Justice For #Humboldt3 BDS Activists

London Protest Demands Justice For #Humboldt3 BDS Activists



London Protest Demands Justice For #Humboldt3 BDS Activists

London Protest Demands Justice For #Humboldt3 BDS Activists

London Protest Demands Justice For #Humboldt3 BDS Activists


We are here today outside the German Embassy in London to condemn the German states persecution and prosecution of three BDS activists, the Humboldt three.

The three activists

Award winning Palestinian journalist Majed Abusalama, a survivor of Israel's massacres in Gaza;

acclaimed Jewish Israeli human rights defender Ronnie Barkan;

and Dr Stavit Sinai, a Jewish Israeli scholar of the sociology of knowledge and postcolonial studies,

have been hounded by the German state for over 3 years now.

In 2017 they peacefully interrupted the propaganda speech of an Israeli war criminal who was invited to Humboldt university in Berlin to promote Israeli apartheid.

Israeli MP Aliza Lavie, as a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Israeli Parliament, directly oversaw and approved the 2014 attack on besieged Gaza that resulted in 2200 Palestinians being slaughtered, including 551 babies and children. She bears a direct responsibility in what Amnesty International has described as war crimes committed in Gaza.

Rather than arrest this war criminal, the university rolled out the red carpet for her in giving her an unchallenged platform to spew her propaganda, whitewashing Israeli crimes against humanity.

When the three activists in the audience challenged her propaganda by quoting from the United Nations ESCWA report which accuses Israel of practicing The Crime of Apartheid, defined by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court as a Crime Against Humanity, they were violently attacked, with Ms Stavit Sinai being punched in the face, and thrown out.

Incredibly the German state, in an Orwellian fit, rather than arrest the war criminal and thugs who perpetrated the brutal attack on the peaceful activists, much of it in front of cameras, have instead gone after the victims.

The Humboldt 3 are charged with assault and trespass! Trespass for attending a public meeting, and assault for being beaten up!

When their first trial didn’t succeed in a guilty verdict, a second retrial has been ordered. This starts in two weeks, on 3rd August.

It is a damming indictment of Germany that today human rights activists who speak up about crimes against humanity become targets of political persecution by the state.

In contrast, the three activists were praised in Denmark, and received the Copenhagen Courage Award from Copenhagen Mayor Ms. Ninna Olsen for speaking truth to power.

It is shameful that the German state has succumbed to blackmail of false allegations of antisemitism, of intentionally conflating Judaism and Jewishness with the political entity Israel, in order to silence criticism of Israel.

London Protest Demands Justice For #Humboldt3 BDS Activists

London Protest Demands Justice For #Humboldt3 BDS Activists

That is what the trial is really about. Their crime is to dare speak out against Israel in Germany. Germany is today persecuting courageous men and women of conscience who have done their duty to give voice to the oppressed.

Shame on Germany!

Germany should be aware that just last month, on June 11th, the European Court of Human Rights past judgement that undermines the use of false allegations of antisemitism to give cover to Israeli crimes, by fully legitimising the political actions of boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) against Israel.

That verdict is binding on Germany.

Germany stop persecuting BDS activists!

We stand here outside the German embassy in London, in solidarity with the Humboldt 3. We urge Germany to look deeply at its own history to understand the dangers of turning a blind eye to Crimes Against Humanity and where this leads.

Germany learn from your own history!

Free Palestine!


Justice4Humboldt3 placard design

Print resolution PDF of Justice4Humboldt3 placard design:


Source: www.inminds.com

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