Featured MP3 Podcast
Academia is not innocent.. The Hebrew University has been slowly but consistently expropriating land and expelling Palestinian owners in occupied East Jerusalem. Tel Aviv University refuses to acknowledge the fact that it sits on top of an ethnically cleansed Palestinian village. Ben Gurion University has supported in various ways the slow ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian Bedouin's in the Negev, these finding were kept secret until recently and in accordance with the university’s agreement with the Ministry. Haifa University boasts one of the most racist academics in Israel who relentlessly and influentially provides academic justification for ethnic cleansing. Haifa University sponsored a wide campaign attempting to cover up a little known zionist massacre of Tantora near Haifa in 1948. Bar Ilan University not only operates a campus on the illegal colony of Ariel near Nabulas, it has also awarded Sharon an honorary doctorate!
Executive Director of the Palestinian Health Work Committees
Building a Future Together: Alternatives to the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse, (Bethlehem, 2-3 December 2005) [17min / 9Mb]
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