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Inminds Human Rights Group - Review of 2019
In 2019 Inminds Human Rights Group carried out dozens of actions in solidarity with the oppressed in Palestine, Bahrain, Nigeria, the USA and the UK.
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Boycott Genocide Supporters
There are many companies that support Israel and deserve to be boycotted, but this list of companies we have researched are particularly despicable in that they have ramped up their support for Israel, often specifically for the military, whilst it commits genocide in front of their eyes. Boycott genocide supporters now!
Boycott Apartheid Israel - A Select List Of 12 Targets
Inminds has researched a select list of 12 targets to boycott - Help end Palestinian suffering by boycotting Israel today!
Quick Guide To Buying Dates This Ramadan
Everything you need to know about buying dates - how to keep your family safe from stolen goods this Ramadan, in 90 seconds.
A Father's Plea To The BBC - Free Mohammed al-Halabi
We deliver a message from Mohammed al-Halabi's father Khalil al-Halabi to the BBC, in the form of a guerrilla projection..
#FlyTheFlag for Palestine Campaign launched with BBC Guerrilla Projection
The #FlyTheFlag for Palestine campaign was launched with a guerrilla projection on what the award winning journalist John Pilger described as "the most refined propaganda service in the world" - the BBC HQ in London.
Free Mohammed al-Halabi - a short video
Mohammed al-Halabi, the United Nations award winning Palestinian humanitarian worker, is still caged by Israel nearly five years after his abduction. We release a new video for his campaign.
Al Quds Day 2021 - #FlyTheFlag Campaign
Join the Al Quds Day 2021 #FlyTheFlag campaign to show your solidarity with Palestine.
Boycott Israeli Dates - Ramadan 2021
New video launched for this years Ramadan Boycott Israeli Dates campaign. Please share widely!
London Projection Demands Freedom for Julian Assange
With Julian Assange's extradition hearing about to enter it's third week, a guerilla projection was carried out on Marble Arch to demand freedom for journalist & publisher Julian Assange.
Shut Elbit Down - London Guerilla Projection
London guerilla projection demands all ten UK factories and offices of Israel's largest arms manufacturer Elbit be shut down.
No To Normalisation With Apartheid Israel - London Projection
On 18 Sep 2020, Inminds, IHRC and Bahraini activists held a guerilla projection on Marble Arch to condemn all normalisation with apartheid Israel, in particular the agreement signed by UAE, Bahrain and Israel.
London Protest Demands Justice For #Humboldt3 BDS Activists
On 17th July 2020, Inminds held a vigil outside the German Embassy in London, in solidarity with three BDS activists, the Humboldt 3, that are on trial in Germany for interrupting a propaganda speech by an Israeli war criminal.
Inminds Human Rights Group - Review of 2019
Review of Inminds Human Rights Group's activity in 2019.
Join the annual International Al Quds Day 2020 #FlyTheFlag #AlQudsDay2020
Join this years Al Quds Day, which due to the Covid-19 pandemic will be held online on 22nd May 2020.
Free Khalida Jarrar - Palestinian Prisoners Day #FreeOurPrisoners
Video released in solidarity with imprisoned Palestinian MP Khalida Jarrar, and all Palestinian prisoners on Palestinian Prisoners Day. #FreeOurPrisoners
De Beers Dropped From Environmental Award Following Protest, Is Hypocritically Reinstated One Week Later
De Beers was spectacularly dropped from Positive Luxury's 'Positive Environmental Impact' award shortlist, and its Forevermark diamond brand stripped from the Butterfly Mark list after Inminds protested De Beers human rights violations. But a week later Positive Luxury hypocritically reinstated De Beers and Forevermark.
Protest Demands Positive Luxury Drop De Beers From Environmental Award
On 21 Feb 2020, Inminds held a vigil outside the offices of Positive Luxury to demand they reconsider their outrageous decision to shortlist serial human rights abuser De Beer Forevermark diamonds, for an award for “Positive Environmental Impact.”
Valentine's Protest Against De Beers Blood Diamonds
On Valentine's Day 2020, Inminds held a vigil outside the world's largest diamond company, De Beers Jewellers, to expose De Beers dirty secrets in the exploitation of black Africans; and to highlight the link between De Beers diamond jewellery and Israeli war crimes in Palestine.
De Beers Diamonds - From Founding Apartheid In South Africa To Bankrolling Apartheid In Palestine
De Beers diamond empire was built on the blood of black African indentured slave labour. It founded apartheid in South Africa and today bankrolls apartheid in Palestine. 1
Ikballe Huduti Released
Ikballe Huduti, a mother of three, who had been tortured and imprisoned in Kosovo simply for writing a facebook post, was released from custody earlier today, following protests outside the Kosovo Embassy in London.
London Protest Demands Kosovo Release Tortured Mother Ikballe Huduti, Caged For Facebook Post
Palestinians Appeal To The Diamond Industry - Boycott International Diamond Week in Israel
London Protest Demands Freedom for Mays Abu Ghosh, Israel Stop Torturing Palestinians
Ziyarat - A Photo Blog
London Protest Exposes De Beers Blood Diamonds
Is Israel applying apartheid?
London Protest Demands Microsoft Divest From AnyVision, Respect Palestinian Human Rights
London Protest On International Childrens Day Demands Freedom For Palestinian Child Prisoners
BREAKING NEWS - Heba Labadi Is Free!
BREAKING NEWS - Jordanian Foreign Minister Promises Return Of Heba Labadi & Abdul Rahman Marei This Week
BREAKING NEWS - Heba Labadi's Health Deteriorating Rapidly Whilst ICRC Ignores Her
BBC Guerilla Projection In Solidarity With Heba Labadi
Free Heba Labadi Campaign Resources
UN Human Rights Special Rapporteurs on Torture, on Violence Against Women, on Arbitrary Detention all call for the immediate release of tortured Palestinian woman hunger striker Heba Labadi
BREAKING NEWS - Heba Labadi Held Hostage By Israel For Jordanian Land
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Boycott Israel Campaign
Featured Video's
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Why boycott Israel on Campus
12 London universities discuss need for BDS on campuses. Speakers include Rafeef Ziadeh, Ilan Pappe, Karma Nabulsi & Mike Cushman
Love Letters to Gaza
A unique theatrical event using personal messages of love, support and hope from people of all ages and all walks of life to the people of Gaza.
John Pilger
journalist and documentary maker
Antiwar Mass Assembly 8 Oct 2011
Julian Assange
founder of WikiLeaks
Antiwar Mass Assembly 8 Oct 2011
Lauren Booth, Sami Ramadani & Yvonne Ridley
Reading the names of the dead
Antiwar Mass Assembly 8 Oct 2011
George Galloway
Antiwar Mass Assembly 8 Oct 2011
Jemima Khan
Antiwar Mass Assembly 8 Oct 2011
Why Boycott Marks & Spencer 2011?
Demo outside M&S Oxford Street(24 Sept 2011)
Sean Clinton
Israeli Blood Diamonds Campaign
Al Quds Day rally, Trafalgar Square (31 Aug 2011)
Lauren Booth
Al Quds Day rally, Trafalgar Square (31 Aug 2011)
Lauren Booth - Prayer for Gaza
Al Quds Day rally, Trafalgar Square (31 Aug 2011)
Benny Morris - Historian or Racist?
Activists oppose visit of racist Israeli historian Benny Morris who justifies ethnic cleansing and genocide.
Is Israel applying apartheid?
Speakers: Yael Kahn, Jody McIntyre and Ghada Karmi (5 May 2011)
Karen Mitchell
Partner at Thompsons Solicitors
Life changing visit to Palestine in 2008 (21 Feb 2011)
Ramzy Baroud
Editor-in-chief of the Palestine Chronicle
"My Father Was A Freedom Fighter - Gaza's Untold Story" (25 Mar 2011)
Women United in the Intifada
Speakers: Lizzie Cocker, Ewa Jasiewcz, Alaa Kassim, Yvonney Ridley, Isis Amlak, Sukant Chandan, Ramzy Baroud (14 Mar 2011)
George Galloway
Solidarity with the Middle-East Revolution, support the people - oppose US/UK intervention (SOAS, 11 Mar 2011)
Omar Barghouti
BDS Movement co-founder
"Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions" book launch (7 Mar 2011)
Shir Hever
Alternative Information Centre
The Political Economy of Israel's Occupation, Kings College London (17 Feb 2011)
Why academic boycott of Israel
Speakers: Mohammed Abuabdou(PSCABI), Mike Cushman(BRICUP), Jodey McIntyre(activist) (8 Feb 2011)
Dashed Hopes - Gaza Blockade
Mohammed-Ali Abu Najela (Oxfam), Andrea Becker (MAP), Ewa Jasiewicz (Free Gaza Movement) (1 Feb 2011)
Jordan Valley: Apartheid
Sarah Cobham(Brighton Jordan Valley Solidarity), Chris Osmond (Corporate Watch) (House of Commons, 1 Feb 2011)
Dump Veolia Demo
Protesting at settlement supporter Veolia's sponsership of exhibit at the Natural History Museum (23 Oct 2010)
Boycott Israeli Dates [1/2]
Are you financing Israels brutal occupation this Ramadan?
Boycott Israeli Dates [2/2]
Are you financing Israels brutal occupation this Ramadan?
Lee Jasper [1/2]
[4 of 8] Genocide Memorial Day 2010 Session One, 17-1-2010
Lee Jasper [2/2]
[5 of 8] Genocide Memorial Day 2010 Session One, 17-1-2010
One Oppressor One Bullet
Imam Achmad Cassiem, veteran of the armed struggle against apartheid in South Africa, speaks at the StW rally (London, 19 Feb 2005)
Salwa Alenat [1/2]
KavLaOved (Workers Rights hotline)
[1 of 8] Israel's Occupation - Abuse of Palestinian Workers (LSE 19 Nov 2009)
Salwa Alenat [2/2]
KavLaOved (Workers Rights hotline)
[2 of 8] Israel's Occupation - Abuse of Palestinian Workers (LSE 19 Nov 2009)
For Anwar [1of2]
Carmel Agrexco Valentines Action 7 Feb 2009
For Anwar [2of2]
Carmel Agrexco Valentines Action 7 Feb 2009
[all videos (over 200)..]
Featured MP3 Podcast
"Israel has conquered the land of Palestine, but has failed to conquer the people - the mind, the conscience, or the heart."
Ismail Haniyeh
Palestinian Prime Minister
Enough Occupation Rally, June 2007 [8min / 4Mb]
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