[Boycott - Cultural] Theatre under occupation: Ashtar at Shakespeare's Globe
inminds 10 May 2012 Palestinian theatre Ashtar received a standing ovation as they performed Richard II in Arabic at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London on Friday 4th May 2012 as part of the Globe to Globe festival. At the end of the performance several Palestinian flags could be seen raised in the audience in solidarity.
 Ashtar performing Richard II at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
 Left-to-right: Nicola Zreineh (Bolingbroke in Richard II), Iman Aoun (Artistic Director, Ashtar), George Ibrahim (Gloucester in Richard II)

For us its not about Habima or not Habima, for us its about an Israeli existence in our land.. As long as we are under military occupation, as long as there is no justice.. as long as we are deprived from very basic human rights as human beings, we call for a boycott of Israel. 
Nicola Zreineh, Ashtar Team (Bolingbroke in Richard II)
After the performance, theatre goers were treated to a special discussion with Iman Aoun, the company's artistic director, and other members of Ashtar Theatre entitled "Theatre under Occupation: What does Shakespeare have to say to the Palestinians?".
Playwright Sonja Linden, writer/broadcaster Bidisha, and actor Roger Lloyd-Pack (in the audience) joined the Ashtar team for a riveting yet jovial discussion. Some of these artists had earlier, along with 35 other artists, written an open letter to Shakespeare's Globe criticising its decision to invite the Israeli State Theatre Habima:
"..by inviting Habima, the Globe is associating itself with policies of exclusion practised by the Israeli state and endorsed by its national theatre company. We ask the Globe to withdraw the invitation so that the festival is not complicit with human rights violations and the illegal colonisation of occupied land"
Whilst the Globe provided a venue for the discussion, they didn't allow us permission to video the event. However they didn't prevent us from taking photographs and an audio recording, so we cobbled together a video from these which is included in full below.
 Left-to-right: Nicola Zreineh (Bolingbroke in Richard II), Iman Aoun (Artistic Director, Ashtar), George Ibrahim (Gloucester in Richard II), Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi (chair), Bidisha (writer/broadcaster), Sonja Linden (playwright)
 Sami Metwasi (King Richard in Richard II)
A few interesting snippets from the discussion:
At the end of Richard II when Bolingbroke kills King Richard II to become King Henry IV his first act is to go on pilgrimage to Jerusalem (to show the people his religious credentials). Iman Aoun, the artistic director, referred to this as Bolingbroke coming to Palestine to clean his blooded hands and dirtying our lands with it (another member interjected - 'everybody does!').
Nicola Zreineh who played Bolingbroke commented that whilst Bolingbroke could visit Jerusalem, coming from England (a distance of over 2000 miles), he, a Palestinian living in Bethlehem, only a few miles from Jerusalem is prevented by Israel from visiting Jerusalem!
 Nicola Zreineh (Bolingbroke in Richard II)
Many of the cast commented on the practical problems they face under occupation, especially movement due to the checkpoints. Firas Farah, who played Aumerie in Richard II, commented on the difficulty of travelling to Ramallah, to the theatre, to rehearse the play:
"I come from Jerusalem, but really I felt that London is closer than Ramallah, I studied in Ramallah, in Bier Zeit University its 45minutes away but really I'm spending a day travelling, its like going to another country, hours spend at checkpoints.."
 Firas Farah (Aumerle in Richard II)
 Firas Farah (Aumerle in Richard II)
When asked about Habima and BDS, Imam Aoun responded:
"We support BDS and the cultural boycott, we have also written to the Globe asking them to reconsider.. because we were also shocked to know that Habima was onboard.. We do not agree to any Israeli presence in the West bank if it is a hostile presence like the settlements and those who are complicit with the policies of the Israeli government and the occupation."
She explained that for them its personal, they are living the occupation, so for example to get to the UK they had to go via two different airports because Palestinians cannot travel through Tel Aviv.
"But when we travelled through Tel Aviv we had to face hell, we had to be strip searched and we had to take off our cloths and we had to [allow] hands to be put on our very sensitive places even though they know we are flying to the Globe.. they don't care.. We don't care as well and our voice will stay loud and we will say no to the occupation and no to anyone who supports the occupation!"
 Left-to-right: Nicola Zreineh (Bolingbroke in Richard II), Iman Aoun (Artistic Director, Ashtar), George Ibrahim (Gloucester in Richard II)
Nicola Zreineh added:
"For us its not about Habima or not Habima, for us its about an Israeli existence in our land.. As long as we are under military occupation, as long as there is no justice.. as long as we are deprived from very basic human rights as human beings we call for a boycott of Israel."
Despite the reality of the occupation, members of Ashtar were upbeat and full of humour. When one of the group had to leave for another meeting, another of the members shouted "there is no checkpoint here" as to say 'you have plenty of time, whats the rush?'.
 Raed Ayasa (Green in Richard II)
For more detailed coverage of the event please see JBIG article on it.
More Photos
 Sonja Linden (playwright) & Bidisha (writer/broadcaster) (right-to-left)
 Iman Aoun (Artistic Director, Ashtar)
 George Ibrahim (Gloucester in Richard II)
 George Ibrahim (Gloucester in Richard II)
 Sami Metwasi (King Richard in Richard II) & Amer Khalil (Bagot in Richard II)
 Amer Khalil (Bagot in Richard II)
 Bayan Shbib (the Queen in Richard II)
 Bayan Shbib (the Queen in Richard II)
 Mohammad Eid (Ross in Richard II)
 Iyad Hurani (Percy in Richard II)
 Hussein Nakhleh (John of Gauntin Richard II)
 Hussein Nakhleh (John of Gauntin Richard II)
 Raed Ayasa (Green in Richard II)
 Edward Muallem (Northumberland in Richard II)
 Darwish Aburish (Palestine TV director - 'Making of Richard II')
 Conall Morrison (Director of Richard II)
 Iman Aoun (Artistic Director, Ashtar)
 Iman Aoun (Artistic Director, Ashtar)
 Bidisha (writer/broadcaster)
 Sonja Linden (playwright)
 Sonja Linden (playwright)
 Nicola Zreineh (Bolingbroke in Richard II) and Iman Aoun (Artistic Director, Ashtar)
 Iman Aoun (Artistic Director, Ashtar)
 Roger Lloyd-Pack (British Actor)
 Les Levidow (British Committee for the Universities of Palestine BRICUP)
 Les Levidow (British Committee for the Universities of Palestine BRICUP)
 Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi (chair)
 Ihab Zahdeh (Mowbray in Richard II)
 George Ibrahim (Gloucester in Richard II)
 George Ibrahim (Gloucester in Richard II)
 Bidisha (writer/broadcaster)
 Bayan Shbib (the Queen in Richard II)
 Ihab Zahdeh (Mowbray in Richard II)
 At the end of the play, Bolingbroke kills King Richard II to become King Henry IV. His first act is to go to pilgrimage to Jerusalem (required public act of piety). Nicola Zreineh who played Bolingbroke commented that whilst Bolingbroke could visit Jerusalem, coming from England (a distance of over 2000 miles), he, a Palestinian living in Bethlehem, only a few miles from Jerusalem is prevented by Israel from visiting Jerusalem!
Source: www.inminds.com
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