[Other] Alert 13th August 2018 - Vigil to demand freedom for Hassan Mushaima and end UK complicity in Al-Khalifa regime crimes against Bahraini people
inminds 12 August 2018
DATE: Monday 13th Aug 2018, 3pm-5pm
LOCATION: Bahrain Embassy, 30 Belgrave Sq, London SW1X 8QB.
WEB: http://inminds.co.uk/article.php?id=10815
Following an attack by the Bahraini embassy on hunger striker Ali Mushaima, Inminds human rights group will, on Monday 13th August 2018, hold a second vigil outside the Bahraini Embassy in London, in solidarity with Ali Mushaima's hunger strike to save his fathers life. Inminds will demand the unconditional release of Hassan Mushaima and all the other 5000 Bahraini prisoners of conscience languishing in the Al-Khalifa regimes dungeons. The vigil will also demand the British government end its complicity in the Al Khalifa dictatorship's crimes against the Bahraini people.
In the early hours of this morning (12th August) Ali Mushaima, whilst asleep on the 12th day on his hunger strike, was attacked by the Khalifa embassy. A bucket of unknown liquid was thrown on him from the ambassadors baloney of the embassy. This isn't the first time the embassy has attacked peaceful protestors.. in the past they have emptied a kettle of boiling hot water over protestors from the same ambassadors balcony.
Inminds chair Abbas Ali said "This disgusting attack by the Bahraini Ambassador Fawaz Al Khalifa's embassy is a sign of just how weak the Khalifa regimes grip on power is that they fear one man's hunger strike shaking their throne. These thugs feel compelled to export the barbaric tactics they use on peaceful protestors in Bahrain to the streets of London. We will demand the police act to bring these perpetrators, of what could easily have been an acid attack, to justice.. not everyone in the embassy has diplomatic immunity, and we will demand Fawaz Al Khalifa be thrown out. But it must be remembered that it is the British government that is directly responsible for the repression of the Bahraini people, the British government trained the thugs that abducted, tortured and imprisoned Ali Mushaima's father. Today Ali Mushaima is on hunger strike, endangering his life to fight for the life of his father. As citizens of this country it is our responsibility to speak up and demand the British government stop its support for the butcher of Bahrain, and act now to pressure the Bahraini regime to unconditionally and immediately release Hassan Mushaima and the 5000 other political prisoners caged in its dungeons!"
"The only way we'll get freedom for ourselves is to identify ourselves with every oppressed people in the world." ~ Malcolm X
 In the early hours of this morning (12th August) Ali Mushaima, whilst asleep on the 12th day on his hunger strike, was attacked by the Khalifa embassy. A bucket of unknown liquid was thrown on him from the ambassadors baloney of the embassy.
 In the early hours of this morning (12th August) Ali Mushaima, whilst asleep on the 12th day on his hunger strike, was attacked by the Khalifa embassy. A bucket of unknown liquid was thrown on him from the ambassadors baloney of the embassy.
Ali Mushaima launched a hunger strike on 1st August 2018 to save his father Hassan Mushaima's life. Ali is demanding his father be given urgently needed medical care, family visits (stopped 18 months ago), and access to books.
Hassan Mushaima is a leader of the 2011 mass movement that peacefully called for human rights and democratic reforms in Bahrain. The Khalifa dictatorship using British weapons and training, along with Saudi invading forces, brutally crushed the demonstrations, killing dozens and caging thousands. In March 2017 Hassan Mushaima along with other human rights defenders and opposition leaders were abducted, brutally tortured and given life sentences in mock trials simply for calling for democracy in Bahrain. Hassan Mushaima was horrifically tortured in Bahrain's notorious Jau prison that left him in need of surgery four times.
The UK government, ignoring the Bahraini regimes systematic abuses of human rights, has provided the dictatorship £51 million worth of arms in the last 4 years. After repeated denials by the UK government it was finally revealed that having gained experience of repressing protests in Northern Ireland, the British government has used that experience to train the Bahraini security forces in the tactics of ruthlessly crushing protests, use of attack dogs, cannons, and how to gather intelligence on protestors. To hide the training the UK government has cynically described it as 'protection of human rights training'. It has also been revealed that the UK trained the interrogators and prison guards at Jau prison, and other facilities where torture is rampant. Its the same Bahraini thugs who, having graduated from the British training course, are guilt of widespread human right abuses including murdering peaceful protestors, and torturing women and children. Soon after the training, teenager Ali al-Singace was abducted by the Bahraini police and severally tortured with electric shocks and forced to make a false confession for which he was executed by firing squad in January 2017.
For previous action see:
Article: http://inminds.co.uk/article.php?id=10813
Video: https://youtu.be/BfbBRmK-4Tk
If you support this activity please share this alert widely, thank you.
Abbas Ali
Inminds Human Rights Group
 Previous Inminds vigil (Fri 10th Aug 2018)
 Previous Inminds vigil (Fri 10th Aug 2018)
 Previous Inminds vigil (Fri 10th Aug 2018)
 Previous Inminds vigil (Fri 10th Aug 2018)
Source: www.inminds.com
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Page URL: http://www.inminds.co.uk/article.php?id=10815