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[Boycott - Other News] Alert - Protest G4S Complicity In Torture Of Palestinian Children
inminds 4 October 2012 Join us on Friday 12th October 2012 at 3pm outside the G4S London HQ to protest at the security firm G4S's complicity in the torture of Palestinian children.
The British-Danish security firm G4S is providing security systems to help Israel secure prisons and interrogation centres where Palestinian children are being caged and tortured. These include Ofer prison in the occupied territory where G4S provides the perimeter defense system and the central command control room for the entire facility, and the notorious Al Jalame interrogation centre in northern Israel with its Cell 36 where Defence for Children International reported children are locked in small filthy cells in solitary confinement, some for 65 days, with their only escape being the interrogation room where they are shackled by their hands and feet to a chair whilst being abused, sometimes for hours. G4S provides the security system that keep this torture den operational.
G4S is also provides services and equipment to the illegal Israeli settlements, checkpoints and the wall.
We will also be protesting in solidarity with the Palestinian hunger strikers. Friday 12th October will mark Ayman Sharawna's 104th day without food and Samer Al-Issawi will be on his 73rd day of hunger strike. Both men are in critical condition with Ayman Sharawna having lost 80% of vision in his right eye and all feeling in his left leg.
Protest outside G4S London HQ, Southside, 105 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QT @3pm on Friday 12th October 2012. (Closest tube station : Victoria and St.James Park )
Palestinian Prisoners Campaign Group
Justice for Jimmy Mubenga
Please note that there will be another protest against G4S organised by the Justice for Jimmy Mubenga Campaign on the same day. Jimmy Mubenga was an Angolan asylum seeker who died 2 years ago whilst being restrained by G4S employees. This protest begins outside the offices of the Crown Prosecution Service (Rose Court, 2 Southwark Bridge, London, SE1 9HS) from 11am to 1pm, then again at 2pm outside G4S HQ. please try and attend both protests. Full details:
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