Evangelism By Shoebox: Exploiting Children's Generosity
By Darren Lund
When I was young my parents tried to teach me that just because everybody seemed to be doing something, didn't mean that I should be taking part. In the case of Operation Christmas Child, they couldn't have been more correct.
Taking a critical look at what is being promoted as a seasonal tradition does not mean giving up on generosity. My only concern is for children's kindness being exploited by an evangelical group whose mission is religious conversion.
I would venture that most parents who encourage their kids to prepare shoeboxes for children in developing nations, and offer the suggested $5 donation, are unaware of how those gifts are intended to be used by Samaritan's Purse. An Operation Christmas Child representative explains in a promotion video; "It's not just a big gift. It's not just humanitarian aid. It is a tool for evangelism so thank you for helping us evangelize our people."
Local media coverage rarely mentions the proselytizing purpose of the shoeboxes. The warm feelings of children and corporate sponsors from this apparently simple act of generosity are not the goal of Samaritan's Purse. Rather, "our outreach to these children and their families may begin with a shoe box gift," explains International President Franklin Graham, "but our ultimate goal is to open doors to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and to open hearts to receive Him as Lord and Savior."
When I called their Canadian headquarters, I was assured that, regardless of their faith, all children receiving shoeboxes must register, attend a rally, and receive Christian literature where the government allows it. Graham is clear: "This project focuses on sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with them through Christian literature distributed with the shoeboxes."
But Samaritan's Purse ministers don't stop there. Their newsletter explains: "After the shoeboxes are distributed, we also provide follow-up materials to give children further opportunities to accept Christ and grow in their faith. One such discipleship program enrolls boys and girls in a 10-lesson Bible study. Hundreds of thousands of children have participated in this program."
Graham and his followers admit they hold no respect for other faiths. He calls Islam "a very evil and wicked religion," and talks of his travels to " India , with its hundreds of millions of people locked in the darkness of Hinduism…bound by Satan's power." Of a local religion in Indonesia , Graham reports, "a witch doctor ruled that particular village, and I could sense an evil presence." The Samaritan's Purse website contains an article entitled "Shoebox Gifts Help Dispel Spiritual Darkness in Haiti ," clearly denigrating another local religion.
Some children receiving the shoeboxes are told that these gifts all come from Christian children. The 2002 Operation Christmas Child Special Report celebrates a provincial governor in a Muslim country who "acknowledged that the gifts came from Christians who wanted to share God's love. 'These gifts are from Christian children in the West,' he said. 'They want you to know that God has not forgotten you.'"
This is a misleading and disrespectful use of these gifts. As the parent of two children attending Calgary public schools, I am appalled that children could be exploited in this way. No evangelical groups should be permitted to operate in schools and channel our children's enthusiasm to promote any type of of religious zealotry.
Parents across Alberta are raising concerns about Operation Christmas Child to their school councils and boards, with some success. Schools in Banff , Canmore, and Red Deer no longer allow the shoebox program to operate because of the proselytizing that is inconsistent with the goals of public education.
Our schools and communities are increasingly diverse, and programs we endorse must be appropriate for all students. By disallowing shoeboxes, parents will be honouring existing school policies. For example, the Calgary Board's policies state: "Since the public school, by definition, accepts children of all faiths and creeds, it must show tolerance and respect for differences arising from differences in faith." Any student participation in outside campaigns must have "educational benefit" and "parents must be advised by the school of the purpose of such projects." Activities that may be construed as "the propagation of dogma" are prohibited. Clearly, Operation Christmas Child fails these tests.
Let's continue offering generous assistance to others in our own community and around the globe, but in a manner that respects their dignity regardless of faith. Explain to your children what's wrong with Graham's use of their shoeboxes. Many worthy local and international charities provide humanitarian relief that does not include proselytizing.
If the horrors of September 11 have taught us anything, it's that showing respect for the religious views of others may be our best hope for peace in the world.
Dr. Darren Lund is an Alberta parent and award-winning educator
SOURCE: http://www.pursestrings.ca/shoebox.htm
(www.pursestrings.ca , an excellent Canadian website, is dedicated to exposing the reality behind Operation Christmas Child - please visit it!)