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Submission Guidelines


1. All artwork must be your own - please dont submit someone elses art! The artwork must be of an Islamic nature - after all this is an Islamic Art Gallery!

2. The picture should be saved in JPEG format (when saving select high quality setting) and should be of pixel size 1024 width 768 height or higher. Their should be no text on the picture unless its part of the image - you get a chance to include a text description and title for your artwork.

3. All artwork remains the property of the artist and is displayed with full credits and a description from the artist (if provided). The artist gives Innovative Minds unlimited rights to use the images without any restrictions and without any royalies being payed.

4. All pictures must be submitted with a completed submission form. Email them as attachments to with the words "GALLERY SUBMIT" as the message title. We reserve the right to edit picture descriptions and resize images, etc.

Submission Form:
Name :
Age ( if under 18 we will display your age with your artwork):
Email Address:
Title and description of your picture: