Since we placed the comments box on the Boycott Israel Campaign
home page we have received several thousand messages. In case you
every wondered what sort of comments we receive, we decided to share
some with you.
We have simply chosen to look at a snapshot of the last 24 hours.
This covers the period between Saturday morning 20th April to Sunday
morning 21st April, 2002.
In this one day we received a total of 172 boycott related emails.
We couldn't display all of them, so we have selected a sample cross
section to share with you. Peoples identities, email addresses and
IP addresses are not displayed. Sometimes we have quoted the whole
email, other times just a few lines to give you a flavour. The messages
are displayed in a chronological order with colour coding to separate
pro-boycott comments from anti-boycott/zionist reactions. Locations
were usually determined by the writers IP address or if sent via
email, then their email address..
Due to the profanity expressed in some messages we have on occasions
had to add use a "*" to neutralize it. Also be warned
that the hate and racism expressed in some messages is quiet disturbing.
Rather than comment on each message, we have left you the reader
to draw your own conclusions. We will however suggest that if you
only read one message, it should be the one from the 11 year old
from South Africa (we have hilited it in bright green).
Its interesting to note that all the anti-boycott emails originate
from one of two countries - US and Israel, whilst the pro-boycott
messages are universal originating from a dozen different nations.
See any similarities between this and when it comes to voting in
the UN?
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 10:40:12 |
Thank you
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 12:12:11 |
We thank u for this dedicated effort....we'll
support u.
Saudi Arabia
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 12:12:25 |
Thank you so much for putting in the effort
and time to compile a list of products to boycott.
I have already sent emails regarding the boycott campaign
to many people here in the US, and plan to actually distribute
the brochures in the future.
Here in America,
almost all the products listed are used on a daily basis...
so it's extremely important for us to know how the
profits earned through our money, are being used...
Woodbury, New York, USA
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 12:48:46 |
Occupied lands? There are no such lands!
You Arab Scum .. LOST all of those wars
When a country loses a war then that country
surrenders land and other valuable property.
The losers cannot and do not cry
"Please gives us back our lost land
don't take things from us"
You are all crybabies and murderes..
Woodbury, New York, USA
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 13:09:35 |
I sincerely appreciate your efforts
and wish you all the best.
Saudi Arabia
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 13:47:46 |
Miami, USA
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 14:24:46 |
You must add Starbucks too
It is a pity that Howard Schultz sees nothing wrong with
Israeli actions in occupied Palestine.
Who is he being a spokesman for?
Ariel Sharon maybe?
Even Israeli soldiers realise what is going on is wrong
while Israeli human rights groups have labelled Israeli
actions in Palestine as war crimes.
I like coffee,
but I think I will be spending my money elsewhere.
Loughborough, UK
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 14:50:33 |
your 'boycott israel' site is very useful
in a humanitarian stand against israels war on innocents..
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 14:51:47 |
ALL of you will DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stirling, Virginia, USA
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 15:17:04 |
Thank you for the list of products
and companies to avoid.
Not all Americans march lock step with their government.
There are some of us who care
and want to make a difference.
Your site is a valuable tool to help us help you.
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 15:42:57 |
The Coca Cola logo on the golden dome is
a good example of what will happen to the Muslim and their
sacred places...
Rehovot, Israel
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 17:06:33 |
Thanks a lot for your efforts showing us
the Israeli or the Israeli-supported
American companies so we can boycott.
But one important thing is badly needed ;
the alternatives.
Should we start collecting names of Arabic and Arab-sopporting
companies that stand in our side?
It's worth trying ..isn't it ?
United Arab Emirates
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 17:34:59 |
I think that the idea of us boycotting the israeli
buissnesses is a really good idea.
i mean what they are doing to the palestinians
is VERY bad!
This might be rude, but i think that sharon
is very fat and ugly person.
i am only 11 years old,
but i see this every single day on the news.
when they bomb the palestinians, it's nothing.
but when the muslim,s bomb them ,
then the whole word has to know about it.
They can have the biggests arms in the world,
but in the end we are the ones who will win.
The South African goverment,
is helping th Palestinians,
so that is why they are giving us less stuff.
I heard that an isreali girl married a palestinian.
Another thing is that they don't say that the
palestinians are made up of muslims and christians.
Look, America wants to be the best at everything,
but now they are the ones with all the problems.
Bush said that he would smoke Osama Bin Laden out,
but look, Osama just gave a speech the other day!
Allah will do something one day
that will make all of the terrorists suffer.
They call us the terrorists,
but they are the main terrorists.
The jews are doing exactly what the Germans did
to them, but they have forgotten all about that.
Just because they own all the big buissnessess,
they think that they can fight with everyone.
That is why we must study hard,
and become doctors, and lawyers like they are .
WE WILL WIN . Insha-allah.
Cape Town, South Africa
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 18:42:08 |
if i can do anything to help ...
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 19:17:04 |
Geat job you're doing ...
Beirut, Lebanon
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 21:56:56 |
I have been boycotting products that I knew
for a fact came from Israel. Now, thanks to you, I will know
more about companies and products that are sympathetic to
Plano, Texas, USA
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 22:16:38 |
I just want to ask you guys,
the companies that suported israel, if we calculate,
how much dollars does it do in a year,
all of them put together,
and if evryone tried their best not to buy from them,
how much could they loose?
I am really happy that you show us israel's true face!!!!
i would like to congradulate you for that amazin site!!!
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 22:43:59 |
i'd like to thank u for ur great effort
to show us those companies ...
Cairo, Egypt
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 22:58:19 |
Virginia, USA
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 23:36:37 |
Your site is complete joke. Like I've always
said the
only good Arab is a dead Arab. Enough said.And someday soon
that saying will become a reality.
Death to all Arabs and the useless
piece of crap you call the Quran.
Roseville, Calafornia, USA
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 00:14:57 |
Can't you all just get together and blow
yourselves up? Do the world a favor. Nobody wants the Palestinian
barbarians. Go visit Allah right away, scum of the earth.
New York, USA
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 00:16:29 |
I am a java developer and i want to help
this great project...
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 00:45:08 |
you are all animals and belong behind bars...
Virginia, USA
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 00:53:12 |
Please keep up the good work, this is a
brillient site.
London, UK
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 01:11:20 |
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 02:20:59 |
My Prays with you all
Kualalumpur, Malaysia
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 03:21:34 |
I am deeply upset by this website. i hope
that you realize that in boycotting these companies you are
harming Israel's ability to eliminate terror....
Reston, Virginia, USA
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 03:58:03 |
Frankly, a nuclear bomb dropped on Mecca
would go a long way to solving the world's problems.
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 07:58:19 |
May god bless you all
Dont stop your efforts
Doha, Qatar
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 08:14:57 |
YOu are just racist and antisemit
F*ck arabs
Jerusalem, Israel
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 10:38:59 |
We have truly been enlightened to so many
facts about companies and their activities in Israel,
I feel we should be ashamed as muslims for not knowing these
things in the first place!
United Arab Emirates