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Alert 20th Dec - Protest Israeli Blood Diamonds - Rolling protest down Old Bond Street

18 December 2014

Date: Saturday 20th December 12:30 - 2:30pm
Location: Meet outside De Beers Jewellers, 50 Old Bond Street, London W1S 4QT (Closest tube: Green Park)
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/386274334873285

www.inminds.com, 18th December 2014

Last month Israel's business news Globes (16th Nov 2014) reported that third quarter economic results show Israel's economy has for the first time since 2009 contracted in the wake of the genocidal assault on Gaza. The decline in GDP reflects decrease in investments and exports of goods and services right across the board. Tourism for example is down 77.5%. The only anomaly is the export of diamonds, they actually rose by 53.3% thus helping bail out the Israeli economy at this critical time when no one want to touch this genocidal regime.

It would appear that most people don't readily associate diamonds with Israel and its war crimes. The reality is that Israel's diamond industry is a main source of funding for the Israeli military ( $1 billion every year according to testimony given at the Russell Tribunal in Nov 2010).

Join us on Saturday 20th December 2014 - the busiest shopping day of the year - as we proceed down Old Bond Street on a rolling protest stopping at the businesses of the main peddlers of Israeli blood diamonds to reveal to the public the complicity of these companies in war crimes in Gaza. We will meet promptly at 12:30 outside De Beers at the corner of Old Bond Street and Piccadilly.

Some of the peddlers of Israeli blood diamonds we will protest are:


According to the NY Times Lev Leviev "is probably Israel’s richest man" and his Israeli company Leviev is "the world’s largest cutter and polisher of diamonds". Leviev is also heavily embroiled in the construction of illegal Jews-only settlements on the West Bank.


Cartier sources its high end jewellery from Israel's leading diamond exporter, and once receiver of Israel's Exporter of the Year Award, Leo Schachter Diamonds. Last year Leo Schachter alone accounted for nearly 6% of all Israeli diamond exports which when extrapolated suggests a contribution of nearly $60 million to the Israeli army through taxation alone.

On Tuesday 16th Dec we protested against Sotheby's Diamonds - Sotheby's 50-50 partnership with Israel's Steinmetz Diamonds Group (now Diacore). (See video: http://youtu.be/e6l3zjoOHrU ) Steinmetz through its foundation adopted and funds the notorious Givati Brigade of the Israeli army which stands accused of war crimes in Gaza by the UN Human Rights Council. In particular the Givati Brigade is responsible for the Samouni family massacre in Gaza. Well Steinmetz also has partnerships with other leading players in the diamond industry including De Beers and Tiffany's..


Israel's Steinmetz Diamonds (now Diacore) is one of De Beers largest diamond dealers. De Beers holds 45% of the world's rough diamonds. It sells its diamonds to a few authorised bulk purchasers kept on a special list. The privileged companies that appear on the list are called sightholders and their purchasing quotas are called sights. Steinmetz is one of De Beers main sightholders. Israel's leading diamond exporters Leo Schachter, Niru Diamonds Israel, Yoshfe Diamonds, Rosy Blue, are also all De Beers sightholders. Its De Beers partnership with these companies which provides Israel with the rough diamonds its diamond cutting and polishing industry needs to make it Israel's #1 industry.


Tiffany & Co. is in close partnership with Israel's Steinmetz Diamond Group. Tiffany's helped fund Steinmetz Koidu diamond mine in Sierra Leone by $50 million, in return Steinmetz (through its Octea Ltd unit) provides Tiffany's with its cut diamonds.


According to the Israeli Diamond Industry "By sheer quantity, over the course of the last half-century, Graff Diamonds may have dealt with more diamonds and other precious gems than any other diamond dealer in the world". In 1998 Graff acquired a controlling stake in De Beers sight holder South African Diamond Corporation whose Israeli offices facilitates the import of cheap rough diamonds in to Israel and the export of expensive cut & polished diamonds out of Israel, with the profit in-between helping fund the apartheid state and its military.



Israel is one of the world’s leading producers of cut & polished diamonds. It imports rough diamonds, doubles their value by cutting & polishing, and exports them globally via hubs in London, Antwerp, HK, NY & Mumbai. In 2011 Israel’s net export of diamonds was worth $10 billion (30% of Israel’s manufacturing export, Israel’s #1 industry). 40-50% of diamonds purchased in the US in dollar terms are from Israel.

Most people don’t realise that diamonds sold in jewellers worldwide are bankrolling Israel’s war machine: “Overall the Israeli diamond industry contributes about $1 billion annually to the Israeli military and security industries … every time somebody buys a diamond that was exported from Israel some of that money ends up in the Israeli military” evidence given by Israeli economist Shir Hever (Russell Tribunal Nov 2010).

In February 2013 over 50 Palestinian civil society organisations, representing a cross-section of Palestinian society, issued an appeal to women and men of conscience and jewellers worldwide to reject diamonds processed in Israel:

The Palestinian civil society organizations and international solidarity groups call upon:

1. Jewellers worldwide to immediately end the trade in diamonds processed in Israel, and

2. women and men of conscience the world over to reject diamonds from Israel which fund a military regime that murders, maims and terrorises innocent men, women and children with impunity.

Last protest outside Leviev - shop including entrance totally disappeared behind our banners (22 Nov 2014)

Last protest outside De Beers (22 Nov 2014)

Outside De Beers (22 Nov 2014)


Protest outside Leviev

Speech outside De Beers

Protest outside De Beers

(courtesy Alex Seymour)

(courtesy Damian Read)


We will, inshAllah, be tweeting live (tags @DeBeers @TiffanyAndCo @Cartier #Leviev #BoycottIsraeliDiamonds) from the protest with live photos being uploaded to our twitter and facebook page. So if you can't join us on the day, please help us by sharing the photos as they get uploaded.



If you support this activity please share this alert widely, thank you.

Abbas Ali


Source: www.inminds.com

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