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[Boycott - Academic]

Gaza students call on Margaret Atwood to boycott Israel

Benjamin Solah
7 April 2010

The Palestinian Students’ Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel has issued an open letter to novelist Margaret Atwood. The letter asks her to support the cultural boycott of Israel by refusing the Dan David prize for literature from Tel Aviv University.

Margaret Atwood, novelist

Accepting the prize would provide support and cover to a state that killed over 1,600 Palestinians at the start of 2009, and which continues to oppress and brutalise the Palestinians. This would be especially true given Margaret Atwood is regarded as a left-wing writer well know for her strong stance against South African apartheid.

Whilst students are familiar with her work, Margaret Atwood’s books are not allowed into Gaza. In fact no books or stationary are allowed entry, nor are items such as medical supplies, food and construction materials.

Israel has a flourishing arts culture and provides funding for festivals abroad. Yet last year, the Palestinian Festival of Literature – held under Israeli military occupation – almost didn’t go ahead. Israeli police and army personnel shut down the Palestinian National Theatre in the West Bank on the opening night. The attempt to shut down the event was thwarted when it was moved to another venue at the last minute.

In the wake of plummeting support after the war on Gaza, Israel has been trying to cover up its crimes against humanity with support for the arts. Israel provided funding to the Melbourne International Film Festival last year – prompting left-wing filmmaker Ken Loach to boycott the festival in protest. In doing so he provided an example to artists and academics everywhere.

But when Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami was awarded the Jerusalem Prize for literature last year, he ignored the calls for boycotts and accepted his award saying:

“One reason for my decision was that all too many people advised me not to do it. Perhaps, like many other novelists, I tend to do the exact opposite of what I am told. If people are telling me – and especially if they are warning me – ‘Don’t go there,’ ‘Don’t do that,’ I tend to want to ‘go there’ and ‘do that’.”

Murakami was critical in his speech of Israel’s actions, but he refused to take a side. As such, the students of Gaza have said to Atwood:

“Let us remember the words of Archbishop Desmond Tutu: ‘If you choose to be neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.’ As such, we call upon you to say no to neutrality, no to being on the fence, no to normalisation with apartheid Israel, not after the blood of more than 400 children has been spilt!...

“We are certain that you would love to be a part of the noble struggle against the apartheid, colonisation and occupation that the Palestinian people have been subjected to for the past 61 years, a struggle that is ongoing.

“Ms. Atwood, we consider you to be what the late Edward Said called an ‘oppositional intellectual’. As such, and given our veneration of your work, we would be both emotionally and psychologically wounded to see you attend the symposium. You are a great woman of words, of that we have no doubt. But we think you would agree, too, that actions speak louder than words. We all await your decision.”

Source: http://www.sa.org.au/palestine/2667-gaza-students-call-on-margaret-atwood-to-boycott-israel

An Open Letter to Margaret Atwood from Gaza:
Don’t Stand on the Wrong Side of History

4 April 2010
Besieged Gaza,

Dear Ms. Atwood,

We are students from Gaza representing more than 10 academic institutions therein. Our grandparents are refugees who were expelled from their homes in the 1948 Nakba. They still have their keys locked up in their closets and will pass them on to their children, our parents. Many of us have lost our fathers, some of us have lost our mothers, and some of us lost both in the last Israeli aggression against civilians in Gaza. Others still lost a body part from the flesh-burning white phosphorous that Israel used, and are now permanently physically challenged. Most of us lost our homes, and are now living in tents, as Israel refuses to allow basic construction materials into Gaza. And most of all, we are all still living in what has come to be a festering sore on humanity's conscience—the brutal, hermetic, medieval siege that Israel is perpetrating against us, the 1.5 million Palestinians of the Gaza Strip.

Many of us have encountered your writing during our university studies. Although your books are not available in Gaza—because Israel does not allow books, paper, and other stationary in—we are familiar with your leftist, feminist, overtly political writing. And most of all, we are aware of your strong stance against apartheid. You admirably supported sanctions against apartheid South Africa and called for resistance against all forms of oppression.

Now, we have heard that you are to receive a prize this spring at Tel Aviv University. We, the students of besieged Gaza, urge you not to go. As our professors, teachers and anti-apartheid comrades used to tell us, there was no negotiation with the brutal racist regime of South Africa. Nor was there much communication. Just one word: BOYCOTT. You must be aware that Israel was a sister state to the apartheid regime before 1994. Many South African anti-apartheid heroes, including Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, have described Israel’s oppression as apartheid. Some describe Israeli settler-colonialism and occupation as surpassing apartheid's evil. F-16s, F-15s, F-35s, Apache helicopters, Merkava tanks, and white phosphorous were not used against black townships.

Ms. Atwood, in the Gaza concentration camp, students who have been awarded scholarships to universities abroad are prevented, every year, from pursuing their hard-earned opportunity for academic achievement. Within the Gaza Strip, those seeking an education are limited by increasing poverty rates and a scarcity of fuel for transportation, both of which are direct results of Israel’s medieval siege. What is TAU’s position vis-à-vis this form of illegal collective punishment, described by Richard Falk, the UN Special Rapporteur on Palestinian Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, as a “prelude to genocide?” Not a single word of condemnation has been heard from any Israeli academic institution!

Participating in normal relations with Tel Aviv University is giving tacit approval to its racially exclusive policy towards Palestinian citizens of Israel. We are certain you would hate to support an institution that upholds so faithfully the apartheid system of its state.
Tel Aviv University has a long and well-documented history of collaboration with the Israeli military and intelligence services. This is particularly shameful after Israel’s bloody military assault against the occupied Gaza Strip, which, according to leading international and local human rights organizations, left over 1,440 Palestinians dead and 5380 injured. We are certain you would hate to support an institution that supports a military apparatus that murdered over 430 children.

By accepting the prize at Tel Aviv University, you will be indirectly giving a slight and inadvertent nod to Israel’s policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide. This university has refused to commemorate the destroyed Palestinian village on which it was built. That village is called Sheikh Muwanis, and it no longer exists as a result of Israel’s confiscation. Its people have been expelled.

Let us remember the words of Archbishop Desmund Tutu: “if you choose to be neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” As such, we call upon you to say no to neutrality, no to being on the fence, no to normalization with apartheid Israel, not after the blood of more than 400 children has been spilt! No to occupation, repression, settler colonialism, settlement expansion, home demolition, land expropriation and the system of discrimination against the indigenous population of Palestine, and no to the formation of Bantustans in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip!

Just as every citizen knew that s/he had a moral responsibility to boycott apartheid in South Africa after the Sharpeville massacre, Gaza 2009 was the world's wake-up call. All of Israel’s academic institutions are state-run and state-funded. To partake of any of their prizes or to accept any of their blandishments is to uphold their heinous political actions. Israel has continually violated international law in defiance of the world. It is illegally occupying Palestinian land. It continues its aggression against the Palestinian people. Israel denies Palestinians all of the democratic liberties it so proudly, fictitiously flaunts. Israel is an apartheid regime that denies Palestinian refugees their right of return as sanctioned by UN resolution 194.

Attending the symposium would violate the unanimously endorsed Palestinian civil society call for Boycotts, Divestments, and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel. This call is also directed towards international activists, artists, and academics of conscience, such as you. We are certain that you would love to be a part of the noble struggle against the apartheid, colonization and occupation that the Palestinian people have been subjected to for the past 61 years, a struggle that is ongoing.

Ms. Atwood, we consider you to be what the late Edward Said called an “oppositional intellectual.” As such, and given our veneration of your work, we would be both emotionally and psychologically wounded to see you attend the symposium. You are a great woman of words, of that we have no doubt. But we think you would agree, too, that actions speak louder than words. We all await your decision.

Besieged Gaza
The Palestinian Students' Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel (PSCABI)

Endorsed by The University Teachers’ Association in Palestine

Source: http://www.pacbi.org/etemplate.php?id=1204


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